

俚语 fat sam's

Fat Sam

A hugely overweight, back-stabbing, conniving, hypocritical Christian loving waste of space.
Dude, don't be such a fat sam.

Fat Sam

The fat sam, otherwise known as the “fatty Samuel”is a fingering technique with the thumb in the vagina and the other four in the ass. “Four in the stank, one in the pink”
“I went to Sarah’s last night, she got the fat sam”

Fat sam

When a man of oversized weight kills a women during intercourse and continues on her body, until finishing hard into her decomposing pussy
I pulled a fat Sam on her ass last night, u better not snitch

That Solid Copper From Fat Sams

On Friday 12th November 2004, i met the hardest and most solid man in my life. With his sexy greyish/black barnet, huge biceps and earpiece, he certainly looked like he could knock out Arnold Schwarzenegger anyday.
He came along looking to confiscate cans of beer from underage drinkers, only to walk away empty handed (making a complete tit out of himself). He did scare everyone though and stopped them from underage drinking ever again.
He went back in his car and started to feel how incredibly massive his biceps are. they were huge. and he looked ever harder with that haircut and ear piece.
oooooo look at my muscles

sam fat ham

One who practially lives on Ham
Gosh, Sam fat ham must of ate all the ham!

Fat Sam

In the film Bugsy Malone, one of the main Characters is Fat Sam

Fat Sam is the owner of Fat Sam's Grand Slam Speakeasy and owns a gang, Fat Sam's Mobster King which contains Fat Sam, Roxy Robinson (In the school production I play him), Knuckles, Lewis, Snake Eyes and Ritzy
Fat Sam is like a Fat Sam But not really Jane Said
Boi I disagree XxxMlgHaterxxX




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