

俚语 feas


Fea can be used as an endearing expression to refer to a girl. It literally means ugly, but when someone is beautiful and you call them fea, it is culturally acceptable- as a tease.
David: Fea, call me tonight.
Amanda: Ok, gordo.

(note: gordo is used in the same sense here- the guy does not need to be overweight)


Fea is probably one of the most beautiful person to ever exist, they are brave and courageous but at the same time simple minded.

Though she probably wants to pow pow 💥 somebody
Guy #1: duuude look at Fea!

Guy #2: she’s so hot!


Rebecca!! mi Fea!wdup!
mi twin fea was in miami for a couple days yo...


Fuck Em All, Fuck them All
Dan R wore an FEA shirt the last day at CBS


Verb. Taking someone's meme and posting it on your page in an attempt to bamboozle your friends into thinking it's your O.C.
Sweet meme. Imma Feas that.


Originally an abreviation, or abrev, of the word Feasible. However, it was used almost exclusively by the preppy "that guy" crowd. As Such, Feas has come to represent a lifestyle. Namely That of "That guy" the man who pops his collar for no reason, brags about how much he has drank, and makes loud remarks about his trust fund.

Often used in the Cincinnati Land area

"Dude, quite popin' your collar that's so feas"
"Dude, I was at this party but it was such a feasfest that I had to leave in disgust"


Originally an abreviation, or abrev, of the word Feasible. However, it was used almost exclusively by the preppy "that guy" crowd. As Such, Feas has come to represent a lifestyle. Namely That of "That guy" the man who pops his collar for no reason, brags about how much he has drank, and makes loud remarks about his trust fund.

Often used in the Cincinnati Land area

"Dude, quite popin' your collar that's so feas"
"Dude, I was at this party but it was such a feasfest that I had to leave in disgust"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:55:16