

俚语 feckless cunt

feckless cunt

Namely when a man or woman revels in privilege while being associated directly with the oppression of others who cannot revel in the same privilege. "Feckless" is the crucial modifier here because it indicates a lack of initiative, consideration, sensitivity and strength of character. see also "feckless fuck" or "feckless dick." Cunt may be applied to both male and female. Was first used by Samantha Bee on her show in reference to Ivanka Trump posting a picture of her and her baby boy the same week that the government began separating children from their parents at the border as an immigration policy.

Other examples include:

1) When your boss takes paternity leave and you can't, posting a photo of him and his family in the break room

2) When Nero fiddled while Rome burned
3) When Nazi concentration camp guards ate dinner while Jews in the camps starved
4) When a lover breaks your heart and wants to be friends
Do something about your dad’s immigration practices you feckless cunt. - Samantha Bee
She stomped my heart into the ground and I had to return the engagement ring and then the feckless cunt texted she wanted to be friends.

Feckless cunt

Llacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible. And also being generally cunty at the same time
Ivanka Trump is a feckless cunt




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:38:05