Two women simultaneously fisting each other.
Rhonda and Pat capped off an intense evening of passion with feministing, experiencing the height of pleasure and pain as their entire hands entered each other.
To have feminist-like qualities or tendencies
Our society is the most feministic it ever has been, however we still have a ways to go before women are truly seen as equals.
A mixture of feministic and fantastic.
"That girl is so feministic!"
Feminist which is actually stand for equality but in reality it's nowadays is spreading misandry (man hating) in the name of equality
I'm a feminist who support equality but in reality I hate men
Someone who believes that both women and men should be treated equally and given equal opportunities, advocating for the rights of all genders.
Note: misandrists are often misidentified as feminists
Note: misandrists are often misidentified as feminists
“As a feminist I believe both men and women should be treated equally”
*men are more likely to receive the death penalty and harsher sentences than women* “As a feminist I must advocate for the abolition of this gender bias”
*men are more likely to receive the death penalty and harsher sentences than women* “As a feminist I must advocate for the abolition of this gender bias”
Emma Watson
Oh hey, look it's the feminist queen Emma Watson
Feminism is a concept which has been ruined by extremists and feminazis, saying KAM and etc.
Me: Emily is such a feminist
Best Friend: Yeah it's fucking annoying
Best Friend: Yeah it's fucking annoying