

俚语 fireteam whiskey dick bravo

Fireteam Whiskey Dick Bravo

a group of friends who drink themselves to death several days a week and pass out after a large consumption. Additionally they eat a shit load of Taco Bell and yell FIRETEAM WHISKEY DICK BRAVO at random passerbys, especially if that passerby happens to be dressed up like Superman, just to laugh at the reaction. Every member has a nickname and a quote that describes who they are. They think they are awesome because they belong to this group, but in reality it only defines them worse off than they would be without the group in the first place. Although this may be true, FTWDB is the coolest shit ever invented and like a gang, there is no way out except for Hari Kari...FTWDB for life!!!!
"Hey Saint Cloud Superman....FIRETEAM WHISKEY DICK BRAVO!!!!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:35:44