

俚语 fish in the bowl

fish in the bowl

Action of displaying your cock in an empty wine glass. Usually done at parties or formal events to loosen up the guests and initiate an orgy.
Yesterday at the party, Alex did the fish in the bowl with Stephanie's glass. He was so pissed.

fish bowl

To fill a room or car up with smoke
Hey we fish bowled his car, we opended the doors, and pphhwwooom, shit was like Fast Times At Ridgemont high

fish bowl

a place or situation with little or no privacy
The average family seems to fall apart when their life is turned into a fish bowl.

fish bowling

to confine the smoke of marijuana to a small space, also known as hot boxing.
Stoner A:
"Dude, you wanna go hot box my car?"
Stoner B:
"I thought it was called fish bowling?" Stoner A:
"It's the same thing."
Stoner B: "Duuuuuude"

fish bowl

A car that is a classic, most likely a chevy, that is in mint condition with no tint on the windows so you can see through it like a fish bowl.
I just fixed up this '67 fish bowl for today, I'll probably never drive it again.

Fish Bowl

One of the texts Tiger Woods sent to mistress Joslyn James was only two words, "fish bowl," obviously a reference to the preeminent golfer's trademark sexual maneuver the fish bowl, where he reportedly chokes his dirty whore partners to unconsciousness with a leather belt, only for them to awaken in the bathtub with Woods standing over them, pouring from the eponymous vessel a seemingly endless supply of a self-concocted and aged urine preserve into all available orifices.

Not to be confused with other memorable Woods moves such as performing the Alabama crab dangle, pulling off a Mexican Halloween, demonstrating the so-called "resealable pipe," or 2006 incident in which the legend reportedly executed a reverse goat hook.
Tiger: Sent: 01:28 PM 09/08/2009:
Have you ever had a golden shower done to you

Tiger: Sent: 01:31 PM 09/08/2009:
fish bowl

fish bowling

Smoking weed in a closed and small space, with the intent of not letting the smoke escape, to recycle the smoke in a sence, as in a car for example.
I was so high last night after we went fish bowling in my car.




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