

俚语 gear head


To have a tendency to want or to be interested in mechanical things; to understand, and be able to work on things of a mechanical nature, or things with gears.
That boy over at AutoZone is a total gearhead, he loves to work on his car.


Someone who's very into cars and the technicalities of how they work
Man, I saw this guy the other day who thought he could smoke anyone on a race but he can't even drive stick. He's clearly not a gearhead.


Person who in a MMO group will check teammates gear and then express his disgust for those who dont have equipped the best of the best regardless of current challenge level.
Person one:"OMG! Why u using that gear?! Get sumthin better! Heirlooms!"

Person two:"Chill Gearhead! Its normal Deadmines!"


Someone who fantasises and dreams about gear all day long
Ben: wow it’s snowing

Jac: who’s got snow !!!!
Ben: shut up Gearhead


Someone who is very addicted to cocaine and can’t live without it
That millwall fan is a massive gearhead


can be one of 2 things:
Someone who cant get enough cocaine
Someone who cant get enough steroids
That gear head gone in the toilet 3 times the past hour! hes doing couver!
Look at that guys fake muscles he definitely is a gearhead


A klutz, embarrassment; dick. Also an asshole
Come on guys don't be a Gearhead.

He was walking over with the food, he slipped and fell down along with the food. Stupid Gearhead.

Walks over to try to talk to a group of girls, the girls blow the rape whistle and guy gets arrested. Bystander says to friend, "wow did you see that Gearhead, what a dick!"

Dad asks to take out the dog, and doesn't because he's too lazy. Don't be a gearhead




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:20:47