

俚语 heng


to means 'lucky' in dialect.
He is so 'Heng'. He actually escaped death.


In cross country, the term "Heng" is used in many different ways. Often times, it is associated with the act of getting air when skipping or doing strides. Second, the term is used to describe someone being as "hung" as a horse. Lastly, it can be used as an expression of great amazement.
1. Come on Vincent, you need to "heng" more.
2. Oh you mean Vincent? He is so "heng" its not even funny, i couldn't walk for a week.
3. Oh my "heng"! Did you see what Vincent did?


born to be lucky. 'happy' in chinese words.

mama's boy.

a grubby child that stays home and doesn't bath.
He is just so heng, everything will report to his parents, not a good secret keeper.

he is just heng that likes to compete with others.


To rendezvous at one's pad.
Would you like to Heng out at Tyler's pad tonight?


A subspecies of manlet who is full of animosity
Woah is that Heng? What is he doing in the gutter?


One more on the list of alternate words for Stoned.

To have smoked enough Marijuana to have reached a high bordering on the bad side but it still feels great, you just feel partially confused.

The word reffers to the Stone Henge in England U.K. the stones are of unknown origin, just like the blunt that got you henged.
"Dude, why do I feel so baked? I haven't been smoking much..."

"You cooked a fat blunt, man you must be henged!"

Pronounced: Henge-d


an expression of when one does amazing, awesome things
i won an award today. heng.
this guy bought me a box of chocolate and flowers. heng.




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