

俚语 men's rights

Men's Rights

A movement that focuses on men's issues. For example; bias in family court, male abuse victims not getting talked about enough, male mental health, and much more. Although these issues are serious and a lot of them are set aside so the media can talk about feminism and man-spreading.
John: I'm feeling sad.
Everyone else: man up.
John: why won't you listen to me

Everyone else: because your a man and men shouldn't have the same emotional support as women.
John: this is why we need Men's Rights

Men's rights

Men's Rights or Men's rights movement (MRM) is a group of people who believes that women have it better than men and want to make both males and females equa, they usually use facts instead of opinions when arguing.
Simon supports the Men's rights movement because he want equally!

Men's Right Activist

don't listen to the top definitions,

a group of men who supports the idea of gender equality and believes feminism is actually a threat to the well being of men (which it is)

now the term Men's Right Activists or MRAs has been tainted by whiny feminists who feels threatened by them because somehow it promotes misogyny (clearly doesn't)
Joe: I'm a proud Men's Right Activist
Linda: eww get the hell away from us you misogynistic neckbeard

Men's rights movement

An alternative name for MRA (men's rights activists), people who are threatened by the thought that all people, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation deserve equal rights.
Someone decided to create a men's rights movement so that they could say the term MRA was incorrect.

mens rights movement

A movement created by Attorneys in the US Family Court system to perpetuate the belief that men are being abused.

It's not based on reality.

The Movement is closely aligned with the appalling Parental Alienation defense - whereby an Abusive Spouse argues that the ONLY reason his children are refusing to be with him is that his wife convinced them to be afraid of their father.

Any reference to this Movement being credible should be immediately invalidated.
The Mens RIghts Movement does not exist except in the minds of lawyers who convince their abusive Male clients that they are the ones actually being abused.

Men's Rights Activist

Men, typically wearing fedoras, who actually believe that men have a systematic disadvantage as compared to women. Claims that feminism is against equality and oppresses men. Do not seem to understand the concept that giving another group rights that you have always enjoyed does not take away your own rights. Will use bogus facts, faulty logic, contradictory statements and basic insults. There is a grain of truth in the fact that MRA's state that mens' issues are equally important in achieving gender equality (something that most reasonable feminists agree with). However, that being said, they often berate the female gender in doing so. Most MRA's appear to be men that want to mask their prejudice in a socially acceptable manner, giving lip service to equality when it is clear they don't actually believe in equality. Basically, trolls.
MRA: "She should have worn less revealing clothing. She was asking for it."
female: "You're victim blaming. Nobody asks to be raped."
MRA: "I'm not victim blaming, I just think she was sort of responsible for it."
female: "Dude that is so sexist it's not even funny."
MRA: "Well, I'm a Men's Rights Activist! Fuck those feminazis!"
female: "uuuMMMM, actually, feminists want equality for both genders, and they aren't trying to take away men's rights! We believe men should be able to control themselves because they are rational human bei---"
MRA: "You just want to repress our natural instincts! If you put a steak in front of a dog, you can't just expect it to---"
female: "Dogs have discipline."
MRA: "How dare you compare men to dogs! Fuckin' feminazis!"

men's rights activist

A men's right activist is a man (sometimes a brainwashed female supporter) who delusionally believes that despite global patriarchy men are somehow oppressed. Similar to middle class white dudes whining about "reverse racism". The power dynamics that exist in society and have for a very long time mean that men are the class that holds the power. They are the oppressor class so when bad things happen it is not sexism because men do not face discrimination, terrorism and forced impregnation based on their sex. Like's to claim "misandry" as if it were equal to misogyny. They don't seem to realize a misandrist is actually someone who is misanthropic.
The men's rights activist made a video called being prostituted an "exchange of goods and services".




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