

俚语 moneigh


Moneigh is a name given to the beauties in life - often called attractive, or fit and very often sexy.

Girls with the name Moneigh are often pretty, and attractive. men always admire Moneigh, and girls envy Moneigh. She likes to keep her love close to her. They always have one person they rely on to vent to (such as a best friend some one loyal and very different to her, which is why they are so close, they might aswell have keys to eachothers houses!!! Moneigh is always has a large group of friends but only has one that she selects to talk to.) She's not the type of girl who will kiss a thousand frogs to get to her prince.Moneigh will wait until she knows who her prince charming is.

Moneigh is always the girl people rely on to help problems 'the friend therapist' as such, when her friends have a problem they always think to ask Moneigh what to do.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:38:33