

俚语 mother bitching

Mother bitching

a women who goes off at you all day about herself !
P1:Jeff says mother bitching

Mother Bitch

Exclamation used to express frustration. Similar to Mother Fucker or Shit
Mother Bitch! I forgot my keys!

Mother Bitches

Similar to "Mother fucker", the term Mother Bitches is usually used to convey frustration over a spontaneous problem.
Mother bitches! Why won't my car start?

mother bitch

term used to describe the extent of one's pain.
ever drop an iron on your foot? dang, that hurts like a mother bitch!

Mother bitch

A girl with such an attitude, that she has alot of enemies. Use everyone to their own advantage and treat their friends like crap, usually a perfetic loser who thinks to be better then others...
She is not just a bitch, she is the bitch of all bitches. She's the mother bitch...

What did she say? ...that mother bitch !!!

Mother Bitch

The most bitchy person in the room. The mother of all bitches.
I am mother bitch today.

Mother Bitch

The bitch of all mothers. The meanest bitch of them all. A really mean person.
My ex girlfriend was a real mother bitch.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:13:15