Online Stutter
When basically you pretend you stutter on social media but when your really not stuttering which is sometimes used as making fun of people who stutter
Person 1 : Hey do you like my selfie i took the other day?
Person 2 : Y-Yeah! Its pretty g-great !!
Person 1 : Dude stop online stuttering its just rude af
Person 2 : Y-Yeah! Its pretty g-great !!
Person 1 : Dude stop online stuttering its just rude af
OSD (Online Stuttering Disorder)
Online Stuttering Disorder, or OSD for short is a disorder found in most users who use Discord. People with this disorder tend to stutter in their sentences, for e.g "I-" "wh-" "-" "you-".
Most people with OSD are in a Discord server called Regulate
Most people with OSD are in a Discord server called Regulate
You have OSD (Online Stuttering Disorder) stupid ass nigga