

俚语 on me on me


What you scream when a soccer skin or a default or a John wick run up on you with a pump

me me me me me

Someone who's very selfish! They can't take anyone else's feelings in to acount as they are not aware other people have feelings!
Girl 1: Not everythings bout you, ya know
Girl 2: Of course it is, otherwise whats the point taking bout it.
Girl 1: Your so me me me me me!
Girl 2: Point?

me! me! me! me! me!

1)Extremely egoist yell
2)The cry of a human-ape hybrid
3)Someone who doesn't care about you
Wizard: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
Princess: Me too!
Human: Wtf?

On me, on me, on me

What your homo roommate screams while playing fortnite with toddlers
“On me, on me, on me” ...”No way, a one shot? Really? This game is trash”


A Me-me-i-me-me is a person who types their own name into Urbandictionary.com in order to create a flattering definition of themselves.
Dale: Did you read the definition of Jen in Urbandictionary.com?
Mike: What a Me-me-i-me-me.
Dale: I know. Most Jens I've met were just easy to bang.

me dot me

A really shitty meme website that features 2 year old stolen garbage.
Joe: You check out the latest me.me (me dot me) memes?
Frank: me.me is for fags

Me Dot Me

That meme stealing site where it butchers memes with it's shitty redundant captions and tags, and usually ends up in Google Images mostly often in the moments when you're searching a fine meme OR you're searching for a specific funny picture you remember. Remember, if it's an meme with redundant captions, then it's most likely to be stolen by me.me, or it could be an another meme stealing site.
Bob: OMG, Jim, i'm trying to search that meme, but it's with nonsensical captions!

Jim: What did you expect? It's me dot me (me.me)! Those fucking normies and their shitty meme stealing sites.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:55:10