

俚语 snoogs


Something that is cuddly, or someone that is cuddly. One can be a snoog, or a lesser snoog may have qualities of snoog. One may be snooged and you are snooging if the other snoogs back; this is called snoogification, or being snoogified. An object, or person, might be called snoogly, or snoogish, if they seem cuddly.
"His jumper was quite snoogly, I really wanted to snoog him."

"Time for a group snoogs, everybody!"


a loved one; someone who is snoogy; something that is soft; big snuggly cheeks
i really want to spend the night with my snoogs. I love snooging those cheeks.


A kind of lovey hug.
Sort of like a snuggle, but better.
Also can be nakie.
Gee, I really feel like a snooge.

Oh hey, snoogin'?


(informal) - referring to a dog or any member of the canine family.
Yo DeShawn, we'll head to the clubs after I take my Snoogs for a walk.


A being or object with the ineffable quality of snooginess. Can be used as an adjective, noun, or very rarely as a verb. Also occasionally said interchangeably as "snoogs."
Hey "snoog" or "snoogs" (referring to a cat) what is up?
What is going on back there? Did you snoog on that table?
Adah you are such a snoog.


A really close snugle that involves a lot of snogging.
I wish we were snooging right now.

Could really do with a snoog.

I love our snoogs :-)


n. An unspecified, yet assumed small, amount of no numerical value.
Synonyms: bit, chunk, fragment
Antonym: whole
v. The act of removing an unspecified, yet assumed small, amount of no numerical value.
n. "This straw is a snooge too short for the bottle."
v. "Hey buddy, mind snooging me off a piece of that candy bar?"




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