

俚语 sucking asshole

Sucking Asshole

To liberally Inhale the contents of someones asshole.
Hey you! where you going? Come back suck my asshole! It's Clean... I promise!!!

cum-sucking asshole

A cum-sucking asshole is a guy whose butt-hole seems to suck a cumgasm out of you (also refers to Donald Trump and his Trumpettes)
I know a few guys in the second squadron who are cum-sucking assholes!

sucking my asshole

making something sound better than it actually is (similar to gaslighting or cherry picking)
tyler: dude stop sucking my asshole

Dick sucking asshole hoe ass bitch

Someone that’s crazily annoying, you never knew someone could be as annoying.
“Bro Stop you dick sucking asshole hoe ass bitch your father doesn’t love you.”

suck my asshole

My friend was being a bitch so I made him suck my asshole
shut the fuck up larry or your about to suck my asshole

why your mother sucks my asshole dry

she is a stupid bitch who steals money, takes your own car, flirts with your men, and in general is a dirty cunt.
"Today was such a bad day i just had to ask why your mother sucks my asshole dry."

"I'm sorry, dude. She's a dirty cunt."




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