

俚语 sufayan


A dark skinned kid of average build. Commonly of Pakistani origin and dark-skinned. They usually grow excessive facial hair around the neck and upper lip region but shave it off at least once every week. Their nose is unusually large and has twice the oxygen intake of any normal nose, they can hold their breath for up to an hour. Sufayans are very lovable and make friends easily. They are not aggressive, not even when a fat ogre spits on them. However when attacked, a Sufayan will retaliate and usually break the nose of the attacker. Sufayans are skilled in several martial arts, but like to spend their time smoking or playing video games.
Boy: I hate Sufayan's face. I'm going to kill him.

Girl: Don't do it! He'll break your nose!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:41:01