

俚语 charvers


See also charva.
This variety of (allegedly) human beings mainly habitate streets in the North East of England. Female charvers are recognised by their rock-solid fringes, loop earings large enough to be used as truck wheels, and the collection of scrunchies in their hair. The males are less distinctive, but can be differentiated from other breeds of human by the distinct lack of any common sense. The common charver hangs in herds of up to twenty, and can be easily tracked by following the clouds of cigarette smoke.
The charver reaches motherhood age at approximately 13 years, and gives birth to usually one live young. The charver will have many mates during it's lifetime.
Charver pastimes include smoking, scaring old people, and bullying young people. In the absense of other species to bully, the charver will turn on it's own kind.
No, we can't go shopping today, the charvers are after me again.


a group of idiots from the north east of england, who hang around in crews of around 30 to give a combined IQ of 2.5 they wear fake everything. I think the girls hair is fake. They have around 7 offspring in their lifetime often with assorted fathers. Nobody likes these bastards.
How man fuck off man y' steroid takin freak d'ya want us to show ya how radge i can get.
English:I'd watch it if i was you do you want a demo of my mental unstableness.
Watch ya back dazza he's skivved up
English:proceed with caution darren he appears to have a weapon.


Travelling Showmans term to have sex with someone.
May have a romany background.
I charvered her last night.
I wouldnt mind charvering her.


Found in the north-east of the UK in Newcastle. Typically hang around street corners shouting abuse at people and smoking ciggarettes. Wear burghaus coats and rockport shoes and the famous stripy jumpers. The females like to spend ridiculous amounts of hairspray on their fringes. The scum of Newcastle. They use such phrases as: "Well aye" "I'm gaan ken to get some scran" "Here man you c*nt!" They always fiercly deny their charver-ism. I don't blame them.


Another word for chav but used mainly in the north east of England, particularly Newcastle.

They can be identified by many things including:

-Berghaus coats
-Stripy jumpers, Fred Perry and Henri Lloyd ones in particluar
-Adidas tracksuit bottoms with white socks over them
-Rockport boots
-Nike air max trainers
-Lacoste tracksuits

They tend to smoke and drink alot, usually drinking Sweaty/Lambrusco (A £1 wine) for the girls and cans of Fosters for the boys.

They listen to rave music, paticualarly makina with mc-ing over it, known as New Monkey. They will often go to a club in Sunderland called The New Monkey where they listen to these MC's, the most famous being MC Stompin, here they will take lots of pills and get wasted, proceed to the chillout room and get stone on tac (cheap cannabis resin)

They live on benefits or if there lucky McDonalds income.

They engage in underage sex and the females will often have kids by the age of 14.

They swear alot and use there own type of language.
Look at them charvers outside the off license.


Step 1: Read "The Rats" by James Herbert".

Step 2: Instead of filthy, plague carrying rodents, picture them as filthy, plague carrying vermin wearing burberry caps and lots of fake gold.

Step 3: Realise that "Rats", is a prophetic work.
There were reports of streets overrun with Charvers, spreading disease and destroying everything they touched.


see charva




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