

俚语 false advertisement, the

false advertisement, the

Another great cruel sex move! This one is from Ontario, Canada:
While having sex in the doggy position the male pulls out and proceeds to spit (saliva) on their partners back. Thinking that a load of semen has been dropped and sex is over, the said partner turns around to kiss her lover, only to have the real load shot square in his/her face! Classic!
Humiliated, Suzy dumped Billy shortly after he gave her the false advertisement.

false advertising

Intended or tending to mislead while calling public attention to oneself, especially by emphasizing desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire when they are untrue.
When a fat chick says that she is curvy.
When a fat chick puts a Roxy sticker on her car.
When a short guy drives a lifted truck.

false advertising

When a girl(or a cross dressing guy) tries to show more chest than he/she really has ie. push up bras.
This guy: Woah are those 32Cs?

Me: You wish! That's false advertising


when a female disguises the upper half of her face, usually with sun-glasses, to improve her sexual appearance when in the company of males
"dude she's hot." -matt
"nah dude, look! she took off her sunglasses." shouts, "that's false-advertisement bitch!" -nate

false advertising

A classic move to get a girl to go out with a guy. The guy ask the girl to go out with him and friends they both know (who are in on the scam). Last minute the 'extra' friends say they cannot go, leaving the pair alone.
I used the false advertising trick to get her to go out with me.

false advertising

When someone's Myspace pictures are way hotter than they are.
Guy #1: *looking at a girl's Myspace profile* Damn, she's fine!
Guy #2: Sorry mate, that's just some false advertising.

False Advertising

1.) To advertise a game/app/product that isn't the one advertised when you download / buy it
2.) Usually clickbait, but some (most) people use it for money (e.g: businesses, huge international brands / companies, etc.)
1.) Install GardenScapes, where you think it is a thinking game, but its actually a puzzle game!

2.) Haha false advertising go brrr




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