

俚语 cohnator


The fanbase that supports Danielle Cohn. This fanbase consists of mostly tone deaf 10 year old girls and perverted middle aged men who sit in the basement jerking off to her tik tok vids.

This fanbase is extremely butthurt and self-centered and will run around sending death threats to people who don't like her. Not to mention most of them don't know how to structure a full English sentence.
Cohnators are probably the most toxic YouTube fanbase of all time. Perhaps even worse than the jake paulers.
Kiera:ugh danielle cohn is the worst

Butthurt Cohnator : fuck u u fucking bitch ur just jelous! I want to kill uuu!

Me : yep you know you're arguing with a Cohnator when you get replies filled with typos, death threats and profanities.




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更新时间:2024/5/20 17:55:53